Linia audio este formata din 3 corpuri :
1.Tandberg TPT 3001, FM Tuner
Manufacturer: Tandberg Factory, Norway
Reception areas: FM
Number of station keys: 8 (electronically stored)
Tuning aid: signal strength, ratio middle, frequency
Antenna inputs: FM: 75 Ohm (Coax)
Frequency range (-3 dB): 10 Hz to 15 kHz (+ 0.2 / -0.4 dB)
THD (1 kHz): < 0.05%
Signal-noise voltage ratio: Mono: 88 dB, Stereo: 83 dB
Crosstalk attenuation:> 60 dB
Pilot tone attenuation:> 100 dB
Selectivity (+ 300 kHz): 120 Narrow dB (77 dB Normal)
IF attenuation: > 135 dB
Mirror frequency attenuation: > 135 dB
Equal wave selection: 0.4 dB
IF bandwidth: 110 kHz (Narrow), 125 kHz (Normal), 230 kHz (Wide)
AF output voltage: 1200 mV (0.2 kOhm), 1 x fixed level, 1 x adjustable
Dimensions: 435 x 83 x 350 mm
Weight: 6.7 kilograms
Retail price in Germany in 1982 was: 2900,- DM
Specialties: Tuner eightfold coordinated. Additional buffer levels between oscillator and input signal. Tuning voltage and electronic storage of 8 FM stations on various logic circuits and a 12-bit processor-circuits controlled. Automatic switching to manual tuning. Bandwidth for all reception relationships triple selectable. Extremely good signal processing and sturgeon noise reduction by professional interpretation. Automatic range switching of the field strength display, multiple function display on digital display. Fixed output level and output with adjustable level. X/Y-outputs for oscilloscope. Tandberg "ANC" (Automatic Noise Canceller) for 50 dB sturgeon signal to noise at stereo reception and an extremely small antenna voltages.
2.Tandberg TCA 3002, Control Amplifier
Manufacturer: Tandberg Factory, Norway
Inputs: Phono MM: 2.0 mV (33/47/100 kOhms) Phono Mlistening 0.16 mV (1 kOhm), Radio: 140 mV (47 kOhm), AUX: 140 mV (47 kOhm), Tape Monitor I: 140 mV (47 kOhm), Tape Monitor II: 140 mV (47 kOhm)
Tape recording outputs: RCA: 140 mV (tape I and tape II)
Phono equalization: RIAA: + 0.2 dB
THD (1 kHz): <0004% (20 Hz to 20 kHz/2 V)
Intermodulation: no longer measurable (TIM)
Frequency response: 5 Hz to 130 kHz (+ 0/- 1.5 dB)
Outputs: tape I and II tape: max. 7.5 V, AF-output: relative to 0004 %, THD max 5 V (clipping limit 10 V), impedance: 560 ohms (RCA). Headphones: max. Output voltage 20 V, source: 470 ohms, Headphone Impedance: 4 to 2000 ohms (US plug).
Tone controls: bass at 50 Hz: + 10 dB, treble at 10 kHz: + 10 dB
Dimensions: 435 x 83 x 350 mm
Weight: 5.7 kilograms
Retail price in Germany in 1982 was: 1800,- DM
Specialties: Magnetic input (MM) triply for various input capacity and re-stocks switchable. Electronics completely in discrete technology built up (no IC). Selected transistors. Subsonic filter for infrasonic suppression (effective below 15 Hz). Listening volume at headphones operating separately adjustable. Optimal signal processing by distinct symmetric supply voltages for all levels. Tape copying facilities without interrupting the current program.
3.Tandberg TPA 3003, Power Amplifier
Manufacturer: Tandberg Factory, Norway
Rated power: 2 x 165 watts into 8 ohms, 2 x 250 watts into 4 ohms
THD (1 kHz): 0.005%, 150 watt, 8 ohm
Intermodulation: 0.02%
Power bandwidth: 4 Hz to 100 kHz
Frequency response: 5 Hz to 100 kHz (+ 0/- 1.5 dB)
Outputs: speakers: 2 x 4 to 16 ohms (screw terminals)
Protection circuits: electronic: overload, DC-voltage; thermally
Dimensions: 435 x 83 x 350 mm
Weight: 11.3 kilograms
Retail price in Germany in 1982 was: 2000,- DM
Specialties: The TPA 3003 is in related to its extremely small dimensions and its weight in conjunction with the high performance of an absolutely unique design. Slightest stray magnetic fields by special toroidal transformer in an extremely flat design. 6 different safety circuits. Showing limiting (clipping) on the front page. Cooling system of extraordinary efficiency. Excellent signal processing by large power reserves at all levels.
Multe informatii si poze le puteti gasi pe internet,tastand numele fiecarui produs in parte.Este un produs extrem de rar.Amplificatorul foloseste cate 4 finali pe canal (8 in total) originali Motorola (4xMJ 15022 si 4xMJ 15023),transformator toroidal de mari dimensiuni,condensatori de filtraj 2x15000mf/80V ELNA.
Tunerul este o adevarata capodopera,pretul sau este mai mare ca al amplificatorului!
Totul functioneaza impecabil.
Ca defect (minor) : borna de plus (rosu) la o boxa pe un canal este rupta,se poate inlocui foarte usor.Este borna cu surub,se gasesc in comert.Se poate conecta boxa si asa,eu nu am intervenit cu nimic.
Toate piesele sunt full aluminiu,foarte grele.
Mai multe poze,detalii,etc,voi da pe e-mail doritorilor.
Pretul,cred ca este decent si fix.Exista internet pentru a vedea cu cat se vand in Occident (de exemplu eBay,etc).Nu se vand pe componente.
Poze reale (toate produsele audio din plan secund sunt de vanzare):
Pret : 1100EUR
0745 / 675366