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Telecomanda Pilot.


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Am o telecomanda ,chipurile,Pilot la care i-am pierdut manualul de utilizare,si odata cu manualul am pierdut si codul specific ptr. TV-ul meu.

TV-ul e Intervision,din gama Contec.

Aveti careva o astfel de telecomanda?

Care e codul ptr. un Contec?

Pot sa tin apasat pana se stinge TV-ul dar de 7,8 minute stau cu degetul amortit pe tasta de cautare si tot nu s-a stins.Si oricum nu stiu cum se poate afla apoi care e codul.Si vreau sa pun acest cod la

toate cele 6 memorii ale lui.

Conform legilor lui Murphy parca vad ca e ultimul din cele vre-o 200 sau 300 de coduri pe care le stie telecomanda.

Apropo,mie imi parea o marca serioasa Pilot.

Eu am luat una,de aceea zic chipurile,tot Pilot,cu 15 RON si la pretul asta nu poti lua decat chinezarii nefiabile,sau chiar nefunctionale.

Sa fie chiar Pilot?Ciudat ca nu scrie totusi ce model de Pilot e.

Pana acum nu s-a scorojit vopseaua de pe ea cum se intampla la alte telecomenzi prastie.

Arata asa:


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Intrebare suplimentara ptr. pasionatii de ucontroller-e.

Am avut vre-o doua chinezarii de telecomenzi si ambele isi pierdeau memoria.

Erau alimentate de la baterii permanent dar totusi ,priodic,trebuia sa le "reimprospatez" memoria cu codul TV-ului.

Inima telecomenzii nu era un cip cu picioruse care sa il poti schimba.

Era doar o zona negara in relief,formata parca din ceva tare,ca poxipolul.

Ce se ascunde de fapt in acea forma neagra misterioasa?


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Ai ales modelul de TV ca in imagine?

Apoi din coloana Supertel+Protel+Minitel iei cele 4 sau 5 coduri care sunt posibil a functiona si le incerci.

Mie,la Contec de exemplu ,codul bun este 167.

Pe telecomanda Pilot scrie Supertel.



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  • 3 months later...
Am o telecomanda ,chipurile,Pilot la care i-am pierdut manualul de utilizare,si odata cu manualul am pierdut si codul specific ptr. TV-ul meu.

TV-ul e Intervision,din gama Contec.

Aveti careva o astfel de telecomanda?

Care e codul ptr. un Contec?

Pot sa tin apasat pana se stinge TV-ul dar de 7,8 minute stau cu degetul amortit pe tasta de cautare si tot nu s-a stins.Si oricum nu stiu cum se poate afla apoi care e codul.Si vreau sa pun acest cod la

toate cele 6 memorii ale lui.

Conform legilor lui Murphy parca vad ca e ultimul din cele vre-o 200 sau 300 de coduri pe care le stie telecomanda.

Apropo,mie imi parea o marca serioasa Pilot.

Eu am luat una,de aceea zic chipurile,tot Pilot,cu 15 RON si la pretul asta nu poti lua decat chinezarii nefiabile,sau chiar nefunctionale.

Sa fie chiar Pilot?Ciudat ca nu scrie totusi ce model de Pilot e.

Pana acum nu s-a scorojit vopseaua de pe ea cum se intampla la alte telecomenzi prastie.

Arata asa:


Am si io acelasi tip de telecomanda si aceeasi problema: nu gasesc manualul de utilizare. Ptr TV-ul meu (Platinium) nu exista cod, insa erau acele satari manuale (tineam apasat pana se stingea TV-ul). Ideea e ca nu stiu exact ce butoane trebuiau apasat si in ce ordine. scratch_one-s_head.gif

Ma poate ajuta cineva cu o informatie sau cu un manual de utilizare?

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Televizoarele Platinium cine stie ce electronica au in interior.


Trebuie sa puneti telecomanda pe cautare automata.


Mai jos este procedura de cautare automata:


The Universal Autosearch method for Supertel universal remotes

Autosearch (v.1)

Step 1: Turn on your device. In case of a VCR or a HI-FI turn on the device, and insert a cassette or disc.


Step 2: Press one of the five program device buttons (TV1, TV2, VCR, AUX or SAT) corresponding to your equipment or by using the "DEVICE SELECT" button choose your device location to program your equipment (TV1, TV2, VCR, etc.).


Step 3: Press the CODE button.


Step 4: Direct your SUPERTEL remote towards your device.


Step 5: Press the OFF key, and keep it pressed until the device turns off, or in case of a VCR or HI-FI a change takes place. As soon as the OFF key is pressed, the remote starts covering the device range (TV, VCR, etc.) according to the device preprogrammed at that location. The LED will flash as different models are searched.


Step 6: When the equipment under test (i.e. your TV) turns off - stop pressing the OFF button immediately. The model will be memorized and the indicator LED will flash 4 times.



Autosearch (v.2)

Step 1: Turn on the device (TV, VCR, SAT ...). In case of a VCR or a HI-FI turn on the device, and insert a cassette or disc.


Step 2: Press the device select buttons (TV, VCR, SAT ...).


Step 3: Press "CODE" and keep it pressed until the LED indicator flashes, then release.


Step 4: Direct your remote towards your device. Press and release "CODE" key again to start the automatic scanning.


Step 5: When the device to control switches to standby mode, immediately press any button. Turn on the device in question and make sure that all functions are working correctly. If it's not working correctly, press and release the "CODE" button again to continue with automatic search.


Step 6: If you do not press any button for 10 seconds, the code is selected and memorized automatically.


Code identification

It is possible to identify the code number that has been programmed into one of the 5 device buttons following the steps below:


Step 1: Press the device button with the unknown code.


Step 2: Press the "?" button (CODE/? or SHIFT+CODE key on new models).


Step 3: As soon as the "?" button is pressed the LED will start flashing. Count the number of flashes in each of the 3 digit code. The sum of short flashes will indicate the number in that digit. Zero is indicated by a long single flash. Between digits there will be a pause of 2 seconds.



Code 102

1 short flash - pause- 1 long flash - pause - 2 short flashes.


Note: Old Supertel remotes require 4 digit codes - use the Universal Autosearch method described above for these remotes if you can't find your user manual with the code lists.




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  • 3 months later...


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Unele telecomenzi pilot s-ar putea sa nu mai includa sau sa aiba toate facilitatile pe care le avea telecomanda "originala" a TV-ului! scratchchin.gif

V-ati gandit la asta ?


P.S. Totusi, de ce tineti neaparat sa va raspunda cineva pe e-mail ?

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  • 10 months later...

Salut !

Am cumparat si eu o telecomanda Pilot Supertel pt. televizorul meu Saba ;am introdus codul si ...mi-a clipit de 4 ori ,ceea ce inseamna ca mi-a acceptat codul ; insa nu stiu ce sa fac mai departe ; imi poate spune cineva cum sa fac pas cu pas ?Va rog frumos !

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Sperand ca engleza nu e o problema:


Supertel Direct code entry procedure

Step 1: Look up the code for your device using the search box above.

Step 2: Press one of the device select buttons(old models) or by using the "DEVICE SELECT" button choose your device location to program your equipment (TV1, TV2, VCR, etc.).

Step 3: Press the CODE button.

Step 4: Enter the 3 digit code for your equipment using the number keys. If an acceptable code is entered, the indicator LED will flash rapidly 4 times. If the code is not acceptable, the LED will turn off immediately. In this case the LED will stay off until you press the CODE button again and enter a good code. If after activating steps 2 and 3, step 4 is not activated for 10 seconds, then the programming mode is deleted. To start programming, go back to step 2.

If you can't find a working code four your device, try one of the Universal Autosearch methods described below:

The Universal Autosearch method for Supertel universal remotes

Autosearch (v.1)

Step 1: Turn on your device. In case of a VCR or a HI-FI turn on the device, and insert a cassette or disc.

Step 2: Press one of the five program device buttons (TV1, TV2, VCR, AUX or SAT) corresponding to your equipment or by using the "DEVICE SELECT" button choose your device location to program your equipment (TV1, TV2, VCR, etc.).

Step 3: Press the CODE button.

Step 4: Direct your SUPERTEL remote towards your device.

Step 5: Press the OFF key, and keep it pressed until the device turns off, or in case of a VCR or HI-FI a change takes place. As soon as the OFF key is pressed, the remote starts covering the device range (TV, VCR, etc.) according to the device preprogrammed at that location. The LED will flash as different models are searched.

Step 6: When the equipment under test (i.e. your TV) turns off - stop pressing the OFF button immediately. The model will be memorized and the indicator LED will flash 4 times.

Autosearch (v.2)

Step 1: Turn on the device (TV, VCR, SAT ...). In case of a VCR or a HI-FI turn on the device, and insert a cassette or disc.

Step 2: Press the device select buttons (TV, VCR, SAT ...).

Step 3: Press "CODE" and keep it pressed until the LED indicator flashes, then release.

Step 4: Direct your remote towards your device. Press and release "CODE" key again to start the automatic scanning.

Step 5: When the device to control switches to standby mode, immediately press any button. Turn on the device in question and make sure that all functions are working correctly. If it's not working correctly, press and release the "CODE" button again to continue with automatic search.

Step 6: If you do not press any button for 10 seconds, the code is selected and memorized automatically.


Code identification

It is possible to identify the code number that has been programmed into one of the 5 device buttons following the steps below:

Step 1: Press the device button with the unknown code.

Step 2: Press the "?" button (CODE/? or SHIFT+CODE key on new models).

Step 3: As soon as the "?" button is pressed the LED will start flashing. Count the number of flashes in each of the 3 digit code. The sum of short flashes will indicate the number in that digit. Zero is indicated by a long single flash. Between digits there will be a pause of 2 seconds.


Code 102

1 short flash - pause- 1 long flash - pause - 2 short flashes.

Note: Old Supertel remotes require 4 digit codes - use the Universal Autosearch method described above for these remotes if you can't find your user manual with the code lists.


Daca doriti pe romaneste va trebui sa facem efortul de a traduce tutorialul de mai sus.


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Multumesc de raspuns prietene ; inca nu am rezolvat nimic dar iata pasii pe care i-am facut de sute de ori

Deci am aflat codul 476 ;

1. aleg dispozitivul respectiv TV apasand butonul Device Select ;

2.dupa ce se stinge ledul rosu apas butonul CODE si introduc codul pe care l-am aflat ;

3.incepe sa clipeasca de 4 ori , semn ca mi-a acceptat codul ;

4.apas pe butonul de off nu se intampla nimic !

Codul l-am aflat prin ultima metoda descrisa mai sus .Deci unde am gresit ?

O fi doar telecomanda defecta ? ... :) Sorry , dar nu am luat bon de la casa... dash1.gif

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Pasii de memorare a codului sunt buni.

Sigur codul este 476 ? (mai incearca inca odata sa afli codul, cu metoda autosearch, si vezi daca obtii tot 476)

Eu imi salvam codul pe toate butoanele de Device. Asa nu riscam sa nu mearga, daca din intamplare apasam involuntar alt buton de device (satelit, aux, etc.)


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Sa inteleg ca am parcurs toti pasii care trebuiau facuti ?Te intreb: o data ce palpaie de 4 ori ledul e semn ca e bine ; de ce nu functioneaza tastele , de ex. de schimbare a programelor sau de modificare a nivelului sunetului (nu merge nici un buton)?

Ma voi apuca sa incerc TOATE CODURILE pe care le am in "manual" ; am incercat doar 2 pana acum ...

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